Type command /we range 100 to increase your place/break block range.Hit F2 for super speed, F1 to go back to normal.You can use the commands /gamemode 1 to enter survival mode and /gamemode 2 to enter creative mode.FeaturesĬolored lights, Pretty graphics (including bloom effect, godrays and antialiasing), nice terrain generation, 1024+ blocks build height, smooth framerate, moddable, rudimentary world edit tools, super rudimentary survival mode (slow block breaking and player health), 4 original sound tracks

To clarify, VS Classic is a 5 year old creative mode only experience, if you want to play the survival mode you need to purchase the full game. Never tried Vintage Story before or want to take a trip down memory lane? Then get it right here! VS Classic is Freeware as of October 2019. It is primarily a creative mode sandbox experience. This is one of the very first releases of Vintage story - Version 1.0.2.